Three teams from Our Lady’s Bower recently competed in the Regional Divisional Finals of the competition. It was held in Golden Island Shopping Centre on Friday, 11 March and was attended by schools from all over Co. Westmeath. The three teams had put a lot of work into their presentations and preparations and had all completed Business Plans to be assessed by the competition judging panel.
Team one was made up of two Transition Year students, Vanessa Finan and Orla Keaveney who put together an excellent presentation on scented candles. Team two were very impressive with their interactive demonstration on eyebrow art and was hosted by Jess Donagh and Aoife Greene.
Team three demonstrated their water treatment plant prototype, a filtering system based on using sphagnum moss. The team consisted of Ciara Mac Carthy, Claire Lemass and Ellen Finucane. Their project entitled “Caoanach Cliste” was chosen by the judging panel to represent Co. Westmeath in the Senior Category of the competition in the national finals to be held in Croke Park in April. Well done to all who participated and congratulations to the three winners.